ICMA’s work in the primary markets, in which new debt securities are issued to raise capital, is based on a strong legacy from the International Primary Market Association (IPMA), one of ICMA’s predecessor organisations. See introductory video (20:00 / 2024); Chris O’Malley podcasts Origins of the Eurobond market (26:54 / 2020) and Whatever Happened to Underwriting? (32:01 / 2021); and ICMA staff webinar DCM primary market practices in Asia-Pacific: an ICMA conversation (45:45 / 2021).
Primary market committees and other groups
Details of ICMA’s primary market committees and other related groups can be found on the ICMA councils & committees webpage: issuers, underwriters and investors.
ICMA Primary Market Handbook
Guidance and recommendations on the processes and documentation required for the issuance of international securities.
Other ICMA primary market documentation
Links to informal ICMA primary market documentation that is not included in the ICMA Primary Market Handbook.
Available to ICMA members only.
Primary market topics
- Accounting and auditing
- Benchmark reform and transition to risk-free rates
- Conduct of business (MiFID)
- Primary markets conduct (non-MiFID)
- FinTech and Digitalisation
- Dialogue with investors
- Prospectuses
- Retail access to bond markets
- Market infrastructure and asset servicing
- Market abuse Regulation (MAR)
- Periodic reporting / continuing obligations
- Taxation
- Other ICMA primary market advocacy materials
Primary market training courses and events
- Introduction to Primary Markets Qualification (IPMQ) – six weeks part-time online self-study
- ICMA Primary Market Certificate (PMC) – 5 days classroom training in London, ten x 3.5 hours livestreamed
- Bond syndication practices for compliance and middle office professionals – 1 day classroom training, two x 3.5 hours livestreamed
- Introduction to Securitisation – four x 3.5 hours livestreamed
- ICMA Primary Market Forums – See events calendar
- ICMA Primary Market Handbook seminars – See events calendar
Capital market segments
- Bank capital
- Euro Commercial Paper and certificates of deposit
- Green, Social and Sustainability bonds
- Infrastructure financing
- Asia Pacific primary markets
- Islamic Finance
- Private placements
- Retail structured products
- Securitisation
- Sovereign Debt
- Securitisation (asset management perspective)
Primary market data
- DCM outstandings and volumes of new issues from Dealogic
- Euro government bond markets*
- Euro corporate bond markets*
*Source: ICMA analysis using Bloomberg data
Email the primary markets team
Ruari Ewing
Senior Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy; secretary to the ICMA Primary Market Practices Committee (PMPC) and related groups.
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0316
Katie Kelly
Senior Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy; Secretary to the ICMA Public Sector Issuer Forum (PSIF), ICMA Financial Institution Issuer Forum (FIIF) and to the ICMA Corporate Issuer Forum (CIF).
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0331
Miriam Patterson
Senior Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy; secretary to the ICMA Legal and Documentation Committee (LDC)
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0321